Cyber Mindfulness Corner Company Spotlight: DXC Technology

At the IT Security Guru we’re showcasing organisations that are doing great things for employee wellbeing! This week, Mike McDaniel, President of Modern Workplace at DXC Technology, tells the Gurus about how DXC Technology are revolutionising the virtual employee workplace experience with their ‘virtual first’ approach.

The Virtual First Approach and Increased Inclusivity

But what is their ‘virtual first’ approach? McDaniel says, “Over the last couple of years, the way we work has irrevocable changed. Almost overnight, organisations were forced to establish a new remote workforce – and for many, the legacy has remained.”

The virtual first approach, implemented pre-pandemic, enables over 90% of their workforce to work remotely. Alongside this, DXC offer their employees access to immersive technologies, such as the Metaverse, to allow employees the chance to work together in a fun, engaging 3D environment, enabling collaborative equity.

According to McDaniel, collaborative equity means “increased inclusivity”.  He continues: “The virtual workplace embraces inclusivity, as a person’s location, gender, physical attributes, or personal circumstances are less important than their ideas or the quality of their work. As a result, organisations that embrace remote working can benefit from diverse new talent pools from previously underrepresented groups.”

“At DXC, we had already embraced remote working long before the onset of the pandemic,” McDaniel adds, “Building on our experience managing the workplaces of over six million users, DXC had already implemented a ‘virtual first’ approach underpinned by a number of technology platforms that enable our employees to work effectively regardless of their location.”

Comprehensive Support For Virtual First Employees

It is widely reported that working fully remotely can be isolating. McDaniel argues that we’ve entered the ‘personalised age’ of the working world. Where performance, wellbeing and productivity ..

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