Cyber Awareness 2022: Consider Deepfakes, NFTs and More

From deepfakes to crypto crime to in-flight drone-based data theft, cyber awareness in 2022 will look a bit different. Good cyber awareness means knowing these risks, even if some of them sound stranger than science fiction. 

Cyber Awareness and Deepfake Crime

What if you got a phone call from a trusted friend or colleague to buy stocks or transfer millions of dollars? Would you do it? Well, if the call is from an AI-assisted deep-voice attack, you would be making a huge mistake. 

Sound like something out of a spy thriller? Well, this type of deepfake attack actually happened in 2020. A Hong Kong bank manager was the victim of a highly advanced heist where he was directed to transfer $35 million to various bank accounts for a company acquisition.

The voice on the other end of the line sounded exactly like a business associate he knew. But it was a computer simulation talking instead. 

The fraud included up to 17 attackers working together, using fake emails to verify the purchase. It’s highly likely that others are working on more of this type of deepfake phishing scheme.

Now, with the widespread use of video conferencing, one could imagine a case where live deepfake video fraud could occur. Governments are worried that politically-driven deepfake messages could sway public opinion or impact elections.

Non-Fungible Tokens and Crypto Security

If you’re online today, you’ve probably heard of NFTs. What do they have to do with c ..

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