Cyber Attacks Increase as Cybercriminals Capitalize on COVID-19 Fears - Campus Safety Magazine

Cyber Attacks Increase as Cybercriminals Capitalize on COVID-19 Fears - Campus Safety Magazine

These phishing emails are typically marketing coronavirus information and ask you to open an attachment to see the latest news and statistics.

With everyone hunkered down, working from home, taking online classes or just killing the time browsing the web, cyber attacks are exploiting the public’s fears about the coronavirus and using email phishing schemes.

These emails are typically marketing COVID-19 information and ask you to open an attachment to see the latest news and statistics. That’s a pathway to giving the hackers your information or downloading malicious software onto your device.

According to cybersecurity firm Norton, these emails will typically masquerade as official alerts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, health advice from specialists and workplace advisories. One new phishing scam that targets college students and staff members aims to capture log-in credentials to infect their computers with malware, reports EdScoop.

Hackers Targeting University Students, Staff Members

According to software company Abnormal Security, the hacker responsible for this scheme is taking advantage of the fact that “students and staff are likely highly attuned to any news about a university’s response to the outbreak, and thus are more likely to engage with an email about it.”

The attacker created an email that appeared to come from the school’s board of trustees. It then directed students and staff members to a page from ..

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