CTL Discusses Space Commerce Research with U.S. Representative Perlmutter

CTL Discusses Space Commerce Research with U.S. Representative Perlmutter

Dr. Marla Dowell joined Colorado Labs and U.S. Representative Ed Perlmutter for a discussion on aerospace-related digital communications technology research at NIST.  Dr. Dowell discussed Nist's ongoing efforts to address the key challenges identified at The Department of Commerce’s Space Commerce Workshop in 2019. The workshop focused on technology barriers, solutions, and standards needed to foster conditions for economic growth and technical advancement of the space industry.  Listen to the panel discussion here (use code cPsM1^$2) and read her talking points below.     

The Department of Commerce and NIST will continue to play a role in coordinating and supporting the industry-led development of standards to help propel the future growth of the 400 billion global space industry.   

As we work to address our climate crisis, NIST supports NASA and NOAA satellite instruments through measurements, standards, and innovative satellite instrumentation. Important for space weather monitoring, NIST is developing new materials measuring ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation.  

The work of NASCTN is helping to improve options for the space industry by taking the initial steps to support neutral validated data needed for spectrum and co-existence challenges with space assets, i ..

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