COVID-Omicron is Killing Christmas. The Roadmap Towards a Worldwide Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization

COVID-Omicron is Killing Christmas. The Roadmap Towards a Worldwide Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization

First published on Global Research on December 24, 2021

Omicron, a so-called covid-variant, has never been isolated. Whatever the current narrative – 193 UN member governments tell you in lockstep, what the mainstream media tell you in lockstep – and what the majority in the street of the 193 betrayed UN member countries believe in lockstep – is a Big Lie.

People dying from Omicron is a Big Lie.

People may die from multiple other causes, like from the mRNA-vaxxes that ain’t vaccines but gene altering, immune system killing injections – and the bought medical establishment, mainly but not exclusively in the west, attributes their death, for almost two years now, to covid, and its so-called “variants”; killer variants that is – mind you, and it can never be repeated enough, variants that have never isolated and never been identified.

First Delta, then Omicron. Neither one of the two has ever been isolated. The vast majority of people of – let me repeat it, of 193 UN member countries – swallow the lie with fear and respect, as if it were the truth, as if it were impossible that their governments lies to them, as if it was impossible that the entire UN system lies to the world. It should be impossible. But it ain’t.

Yes, it’s difficult to fathom. But eventually we must, otherwise humanity will sink deep into a hole of no return. The so-called Omicron “variant’ made a sudden appearance, out of nowhere, to eventually put the origin conveniently into southern Africa, where nobody wants to dig and trace to find out the truth. So, it’s made hard to find the spot where it was born.