Cloud-Native Application Protection (CNAPP): What's Behind the Hype?

Cloud-Native Application Protection (CNAPP): What's Behind the Hype?

There's no shortage of acronyms when it comes to security product categories. DAST, EDR, CWPP — it sometimes feels like we're awash in a sea of letters, and that can be a little dizzying. Every once in a while, though, a new term pops up that cuts through the noise, thanks to a combination of catchiness and excitement about that product category's potential to solve the big problems security teams face. (Think of XDR, for a recent example.)

Cloud-native application protection platform, or CNAPP, is one of those standout terms that has the potential to solve significant problems in cloud security by consolidating a list of other “C” letter acronyms. Gartner introduced CNAPP as one of its cloud security categories in 2021, and the term quickly began to make headlines. But what's the reality behind the hype? Is CNAPP an all-in-one answer to building secure apps in a cloud-first ecosystem, or is it part of a larger story? Let's take a closer look.

New needs of cloud-native teams

CNAPP is a cloud security archetype that takes an integrated, lifecycle approach, protecting both hosts and workloads for truly cloud-native application development environments. These environments have their own unique demands and challenges, so it should come as little surprise that new product categories have arisen to address those concerns.

Cloud infrastructures are inherently complex — that makes it tougher to monitor these environments, potentially opening the door to security gaps. If you're building applications within a cloud platform, the challenge multiplies: You need next-level visibility to ensure y ..

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