Closing the cyber skills gap: What to do next - Help Net Security

Closing the cyber skills gap: What to do next - Help Net Security

On a global scale, cybersecurity is suffering from a severe shortage of experts. What is to be done? Organizations, government, academia and professional associations need to work together to develop a sustainable cyber skills strategy. To date, strategic thinking has largely focused on what to defend and how to defend, but less on who is going to do it. Now is the time for closing this gap – and fast.

The skills pyramid

As with other professional and technical disciplines, cybersecurity covers many skills and levels of education. It helps to organize these into a pyramid that groups the skills needed at each level. The bottom end of the pyramid includes a basic skill set that everyone should have, including typical security “hygiene” in private and organizational contexts. For example, recognizing basic or advanced phishing attacks is easy after ..

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