Bipartisan Resolution Guides Creation of National AI Strategy; Rep. Robin Kelly Quoted

Bipartisan Resolution Guides Creation of National AI Strategy; Rep. Robin Kelly Quoted

Rep. Robin Kelly

Reps. Will Hurd, R-Texas and two-time Wash100 Award recipient, and Robin Kelly, D-Ill., have presented a bipartisan resolution that aims to establish a national strategy in pursuit of artificial intelligence

Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM and other information technology companies have shown support for the resolution that highlights AI's strategic value, Hurd's office said Friday.

"We need a real and actionable comprehensive plan, as this resolution calls for, to engage all levers of national power to create and preserve American AI superiority,” Kelly said.

The resolution's introduction follows the passage of the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act, a Hurd-Kelly introduced bill that establishes security standards for government-used IoT devices.

On October 22nd,  bipartisan resolution guides creation national strategy robin kellyed