BBVA preps employees against new cyberattacks - BBVA

BBVA preps employees against new cyberattacks - BBVA

The rise in online attacks and fraud has positioned cybersecurity as the core tool for addressing the new reality. In addition, greater technological dependence has made the general public more aware of the need to be careful in the way digital devices are used, personally and even more so professionally.

Essential remote working has forced a change to on-site employee training plans. BBVA had already espoused a culture of online learning before the pandemic, offering its staff a comprehensive digital training catalog via the Campus BBVA platform. The platform has been refreshed to adapt to employee needs during the weeks of confinement. Employee response has been positive: traffic to the training portal shot up 96 percent with more than two million sessions during the first month of lockdown. A review of the most consumed topics reveals employees’ growing interest in developing new competencies (data, design, sustainability), which are priority for BBVA and and even more apropos given the new reality that awaits.

Even before the pandemic, BBVA already had significant experience in this area, and it was considered a high-priority strategic skill for employee training (and for their families). During the months of confinement caused by the pandemic, the bank made its resources available not only to employees, but to the general public, with workshops and discussion groups that reached out to more than 14,230 people.

Against this backdrop, the bank held ‘Cybertraining Week’, a week to reinforce cybersecurity training content with its employees. Using the Group’s training model, BBVA Campus, workshops and seminars were developed. Pilar Concejo, BBVA head of Training, explains, “BBVA Campus’ major challenge in 2020 is upskilling and reskilling the Group’s professional ..

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