Avast CTO Michal Pechoucek Says AI Can Broaden Our View | Avast

Avast CTO Michal Pechoucek Says AI Can Broaden Our View | Avast
Jeff Elder, 21 October 2019

Michal Pechoucek, a speaker at CyberSec & AI Prague, believes artificial intelligence can help us break out of a ‘tyranny of convenience’ that limits how we see the world

Michal Pechoucek, a professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague for more than 20 years, joined Avast as chief technical officer last month. He has authored more than 400 research papers, contributed numerous innovative artificial intelligence applications to research in computer science, and co-founded several technology start-ups. Prior to joining Avast, he directed the research and development Center for AI and Computer Security at CISCO Systems. He lives in Prague with his wife and three daughters, and enjoys skiing, running, and cooking. He speaks this week at the CyberSec & AI Prague conference. The Avast Blog sat down with him for this Q&A interview.   Avast Blog: What does the CTO of a cybersecurity company do?
Michal Pechoucek: There are many CTOs of many security companies. They approach the role in different ways. My charter is to understand the future. I’m an AI scientist by training and in my heart. I believe the biggest threat and the biggest opportunity for cybersecurity is AI. 
AB: In what way is AI a threat to cybersecurity and the world?
MP: Well, not in the way we see in the movies. The robotics part of AI is exciting and dramatic, but the dangerous part is the data that algorithms predict. The whole segment of tech that makes our lives more convenient can also lock us into online echo chambers that make us easier to manipulate.   
AB: In what way?
MP: It is super dangerous to be insulated ..

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