Attesting to the Security of Data-in-Use

The pace at which new confidential computing solutions are penetrating enterprise security architectures and data protection strategies appears to be catching security leaders off balance. COVID-19-accelerated digital transformation saw years’ worth of cloud migration, “zero trust” management and online collaboration tool rollouts squeezed into a few short months. Solutions engineering and security teams that thought they’d have a couple years to learn and master the next set of security- and privacy-preserving technologies are suddenly playing catch-up in the newly “cloudified” enterprise.

Having already mastered and commodified “data-at-rest” and “data-in-transit” security, security leaders are under pressure to support companies’ adoption of confidential computing technologies and newly enabled trusted execution enclave (TEE) services. If 2020 represented a step function for digital transformation and cloud adoption for businesses, 2021 will be the year of rapid, measurable “data-in-use” security and privacy

As the list of new and pending TEE-enabled products and services from major public cloud providers grows, where should CISOs and security architects begin? For most organizations, the two most influential confidential computing building blocks will be enclave attestation and enclave-enabled relational databases.

Whether the organization is planning on utilizing in-house or cloud computing builds atop Intel SGX or AMD SEV chip architectures (or Arm, NVIDA, etc. in the future), attestation lays at the heart of confidential computing trust. Enclave provisioning and trust will quickly become as fundamental to enterprise security as identity management, certificate management and key management.

Enclave attestation services are designed to verify and validate that the confidential computing workload is provisioned and executed securely in a TEE environment. Remote attestation services will necessarily vary in environmental specifics, but they general ..

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