AI Security: Curation, Context and Other Keys to the Future

AI Security: Curation, Context and Other Keys to the Future

Security leaders need to cut through the hype when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) security. While AI offers promise, buzzwords and big-picture thinking aren’t enough to deliver practical, useful results. Instead, using AI security correctly starts with knowing what it looks like today and what AI will look like tomorrow.

Improved curation, enhanced context and the growing field of stateful solutions are three trends that can help you better understand the AI of the future.

The State of AI Cybersecurity Today 

The AI security market has undergone major growth, surpassing $8.6 billion in 2019. In the shorter term, Forbes reports that 76% of enterprises now “prioritize AI and machine learning (ML) over other IT initiatives in 2021.”

While current AI deployments focus largely on key tasks, such as incident reporting and analysis, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers notes that ongoing improvement of AI security techniques can increase threat detection rates, reduce false positives and improve behavioral analysis. But what does this look like in practice?

Curation: Distilling the Digital Impact of AI Security

First, take a look at curation: Intelligent tools can sort through millions of research papers, blogs, news stories and network events and then deliver relevant and real-time threat intelligence that helps people make data-driven decisions and improve front-line defensive posture.

In effect, curation acts to reduce the scaled-up problem of alert fatigue ..

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