AI: Artificial Ignorance

AI: Artificial Ignorance

Does true Artificial Intelligence even exist yet? Will it ever exist or will it end the world before we reach its full capacity?

The hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently a media frenzy and if we aren’t careful, we will ruin the name before it has had a chance to really prove itself due to a lack of knowledge around it. AI is a beautiful concept of futuristic computing that the tech industry and academic research is leading in a way that will one day see dramatically enormous changes to the way we live our lives and pivot the human race into a new digital era.

But for now, AI is simply misunderstood. Computers are not yet thinking for themselves, nor are they able to live on their own and no, the Terminator is not hiding around the corner looking for John Connor… yet.

You’d be forgiven for thinking AI currently exists for the amount of media attention it attracts. People desperately want to believe in AI and hope that the next generation of software uses it to its full advantage. It has ubiquitous influence, however, and as sad as it may be to admit, I think we are still a few generations off it becoming mainstream.

Take truly autonomous cars for the masses, for example, which is a wondrous concept but for now this is just awesome science fiction. This doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen, it just means we are still way off from it ever taking off. To be able to produce a completely autonomous car sounds impressive but with the technological advancements required, the essential and seemingly infinite amount of calculations at incredible speeds, and not to mention a horrendously dangerous transition phase whil ..

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