A leadership guide for mitigating security risks with low code platforms - Help Net Security

A leadership guide for mitigating security risks with low code platforms - Help Net Security

The low code market continues to grow, increasingly finding adoption for more diverse and serious applications among enterprises and independent software vendors (ISVs).

The lingering question of application code security follows, as stories of security breaches continue to pour, and remote teams across the world adopt low code for faster application delivery. Even as Gartner predicts that 65% of applications will be built using the low-code paradigm by 2024, it is important to understand the security implications that come with it and discuss how we can mitigate possible risks.

Most low code platforms enable non-technical users to build applications quickly and offer in-built security for various aspects of the application, such as APIs, data access, web front-ends, deployment, etc. Some go deeper with functionalities purpose-built for professional developers, with abilities to ..

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