A Fully Converged Solution for Modern Consumers | Avast

A Fully Converged Solution for Modern Consumers | Avast
Filip Chytrý, 8 September 2020

Modern-day consumers require modern-day solutions

It’s safe to say that our digital lives have transformed and matured. We are now at the forefront of technology that enhances our digital lives in every way imaginable -- some can argue that in many ways, the future of tech is already here. 
However, a lack of consistency in individual cybersecurity advancements have increased the presence of vulnerabilities for modern-day users, and as they consume digital services and content in more ways than ever, security requirements need to keep up with their online behavior. At Avast, we believe that a fully converged, comprehensive solution is the answer in providing a delightful experience in securing and protecting our users’ data.
Let’s break down our answer to the problem statement above to understand where the potential security shortcomings lie. The opportunities for hackers to infiltrate and expose consumers are ripe within these three scenarios of digital consumption:
On-device services and content
The first example is a scenario that is considered common and fairly established: on-device content and services are directly sold through direct billing channels known as “app stores” (including Google Play Store, Apple App Store or Microsoft Store). Once purchased, users can directly consume content and services such as Netflix, Venmo and Robinhood through their devices. With most apps that contain sensitive data, like Venmo and Robinhood, they come equipped with security services to protect its users data and privacy. However, devices with older technology are vulnerable to security risks, as an outdated operating system may not support the app’s la ..

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