5 ways to think like a hacker to protect your money

You’re never 100% safe from cybercrime, but that doesn’t mean you should roll over and let it happen. You can take steps to reduce your chances of falling victim to hacks.

Cyberattacks are a constant threat. The more we rely on our devices, the more vulnerable we are. Think about how much sensitive information you have stored in your smartphone. Scary, huh? Tap or click here for three ways to secure it from hackers.

And what about your finances? You, the defender, need to think like an attacker. Rather than just thinking about how to protect your money, think about why hackers would target you and how. What are your weak links? Vulnerabilities? We’ll take on the role of a hacker and show you how to stay safe.

I’m going to get you through your family

Does anyone in your family use your accounts? Do your children use your Amazon account? Do your grandchildren use your computer or connected devices when visiting? It’s a sad truth, but your family could make you vulnerable to hackers.

When it comes to your young ones, they don’t know any better. They could make purchases from scammers, and you’ll have no chance of getting your money back. And once a child is on your computer, they can open emails and social media accounts and communicate with bad actors.

Tech news that matters to you, daily

Privacy, security, the latest trends and the info you need to live your best digital life.

Talk to your loved ones about being careful whenever they’re online. We have ..

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