5 Things About Doxing You Should Know

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? Maybe it was a comment muttered in the heat of the moment that hurt someone’s feelings. Or maybe you just had a night out full of silly antics that you wouldn’t want your boss or grandma to see.  

These are completely normal occurrences that happen all the time. We’re human! We make mistakes and letting loose every now and again is good for us. When these scenarios happen in person, we’re able to apologize or explain ourselves; however, the social media age complicates things. High-def cameras and video recorders are in everyone’s pocket, meaning that in-person slip-ups or lapses in judgement can come back to haunt you in a cyberscheme known as doxing. 

Doxing can be harmful to one’s reputation and can cost someone their job, their friends, or their privacy. Here are five things you should know about doxing, plus some tips on how to prevent it from happening to you. 

1. Doxing Defined

The term doxing originated from the phrase “dropping documents/docs.” It refers to a situation where an enemy or a rival seeks to tarnish the reputation of someone else by releasing documents (aka dropping docs) about them. These documents often contain personally identifiable information (PII) –  like full names, birthdates, addresses, employment details, financial information, phone numbers, email addresses – and private correspondences or embarrassing videos or photos. The doxer – or the person dropping the documents – will publish these private details online, whether that’s on a forum, on social media, or a blog. 

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