10 Do’s and Don’ts for Writing a Winning Cybersecurity Resume

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Writing a Winning Cybersecurity Resume

Is a cybersecurity degree worth it? The answer is yes, but it also depends on who’s asking. Higher education could be a profitable pathway, especially if you’re already a student. However, school isn’t the only way to get your foot in the door. You can land a job in cybersecurity with a curious mindset and a solid cybersecurity resume.

A tiny percentage of today’s security professionals have an academic background in cyber. Just 64,405 college students earned a bachelor’s degree in computer and information sciences in 2016, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Even if all these new grads got a job in cybersecurity, it wouldn’t come close to solving the talent pipeline problem. In fact, it would only solve for 3 percent of the industry’s 2 million unfilled jobs.

Nearly half of today’s chief information security officers (CISOs) majored in something unrelated, such as economics or business. Today’s security leaders have earned their seats by demonstrating leadership, curiosity and adaptability. You don’t need a degree in information science to write a winning cybersecurity resume.

10 Cybersecurity Resume Do’s and Don’ts

What’s the difference between a nontraditionally qualified candidate who scores a cybersecurity interview and someone who gets passed over? It comes down to the cybersecurity resume. Specifically, it falls on the nontraditional candidate to demonstrate they can succeed even if they lack some qualifications. If you’ve already mastered the basics of professional resume writi ..

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