The gender gap in cybersecurity isn’t a new issue. The lack of women in cybersecurity and IT has been making headlines for years — even decades. While progress has been made, there is still significant work to do, especially regarding salary.
The recent ISC2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study highlighted numerous cybersecurity issues regarding women in the field. In fact, only 17% of the 14,865 respondents to the survey were women.
Pay gap between men and women
One of the most concerning disparities revealed by the study is a persistent pay gap. The study found that U.S. male cybersecurity professionals are paid higher on average than females of the same level. The results show an average salary of $148,035 for men and $141,066 for women. A pay gap also exists globally, with the average global salary for women being $109,609 and for men $115,003.
ISC2 also found a gender pay disparity among people of color in the U.S. The study found that men of color earned an average of $143,610, and women of color earned $135,630. However, the study wasn’t able to compare salaries for people of color on a global basis.
Lack of women in cybersecurity
The study also showed a gap between the number of men and the number of women who work in cybersecurity. Based on the results, ISC2 found that only 20% to 25% of people working in the cybersecurity field are women. Because the percentage of women under 30 years of age in cyberse ..
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