Microsoft: Happy 2025. Here’s 161 Security Updates

Microsoft today unleashed updates to plug a whopping 161 security vulnerabilities in Windows and related software, including three “zero-day” weaknesses that are already under active attack. Redmond’s inaugural Patch Tuesday of 2025 bundles more fixes than the company has shipped in one go since 2017.

Rapid7‘s Adam Barnett says January marks the fourth consecutive month where Microsoft has published zero-day vulnerabilities on Patch Tuesday without evaluating any of them as critical severity at time of publication. Today also saw the publication of nine critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.

The Microsoft flaws already seeing active attacks include CVE-2025-21333, CVE-2025-21334 and, you guessed it– CVE-2025-21335. These are sequential because all reside in Windows Hyper-V, a component that is heavily embedded in modern Windows 11 operating systems and used for security features including device guard and credential guard.

Tenable’s Satnam Narang says little is known about the in-the-wild exploitation of these flaws, apart from the fact that they are all “privilege escalation” vulnerabilities. Narang said we tend to see a lot of elevation of privilege bugs exploited in the wild as zero-days in Patch Tuesday because it’s not always initial access to a system that’s a challenge for attackers as they have various avenues in their pursuit.

“As elevation of privilege bugs, they’re being used as part of post-compromise activity, where an attacker has already accessed a target system,” he said. “It’s kind of like if an attacker is able to enter a se ..

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