Maintaining a state of readiness to deal with cyber attacks

Maintaining a state of readiness to deal with cyber attacks

Sponsored Post You can never afford to drop your guard when it comes to cyber security – hackers never do.  Any weakness in your organisation's defence is certain to be tested at some point.

But with cyber criminals constantly devising new methods of attack and exploitation, how do you stay ahead of the curve?

Continuous training is one solution. Making sure that you, as a cyber security professional, stay on top of not only the latest threats but also the techniques which can be used to mitigate against them. SANS Institute has a full library of courses, planned for 2024, that are designed to equip you with that knowledge. You can take a course at an in-person or a virtual event planned across the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, with locations including London, Amsterdam, Munich, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Paris, Oslo, Rome, Dubai, Doha, Madrid, Warsaw and Zurich.

These events cover multiple disciplines and have been customised for the training and education of people who are either already working in a cyber security role or who are looking to nail down a job for the first time. They include Cloud Security, Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Offensive Operations, Cyber Defence, Leadership, and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) for example. Just hear what a previous attendant had to say.

"The real value of this training lies at the intersection of quality content and delivery by a subject-matter expert actively working in the field, making it incredibly relevant and immediately applicable to my job."- P. Watson, Microsoft.

SANS training events offer in-person or live online training, practical instruction from real-world cyber security practitioners, virtual hands-on labs environments and electronic/printed books to accommodate your individual style of ..

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