ITHC (IT Health Check) and PSN compliance: an overview and considerations

ITHC (IT Health Check) and PSN compliance: an overview and considerations

What is an IT Health Check (ITHC)

An ITHC (IT Health Check) is a series of tests to ensure that your organisation is impenetrable to unauthorised persons. Specifically, organisations or individuals conduct an ITHC to confirm that they meet key requirements for PSN compliance.

Direct from the ITHC supporting guidance:

“Your ITHC should aim to provide assurance that your organisation’s external systems are protected from unauthorised access or change, and they do not provide an unauthorised entry point into systems that consume PSN services.

The internal systems should be tested to provide further assurance that no significant weaknesses exist on network infrastructure or individual systems that could allow one internal device to intentionally or unintentionally impact on the security of another.”

PSN compliance

Just to make sure we’re all up to speed, the PSN (Public Services Network) is a UK government network which was established to enable public-sector organizations to share resources easily. It is also used by commercial service providers to sell services so that they can be accessed safely and securely by public-sector organisations.

For obvious reasons, it’s extremely important to ensure that this network cannot be breached, which is why any person or organisation who wishes to access the PSN must first demonstrate that they meet all the requirements for PSN compliance.

ITHC Considerations

The ITHC will check your internal and external systems for significant weaknesses and potential entry points, and review your security configurations.

Internal systems

During the I ..

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