How to talk vulnerability management with the C-suite – and make them care

How to talk vulnerability management with the C-suite – and make them care

Promo When you’re running security, it can be hard not to feel you’re slogging away in the trenches, saving your organisation on a daily basis, but getting precious little in the way of recognition and even less in terms of budget.

Yes, you know vulnerability management is not just important, but crucial to the health of your organisation. But do you ever get the feeling when you’re explaining this to non-techie folks that they might as well be looking at that waterfall of 1 and 0s that Hollywood defaults to when something computery is going on?

It’s all too easy to think that no one gets what you do, why you do it, or what it means.

But you’d be mistaken. Rapid7 wants you to know that with its vulnerability management suite