How to Get Unlimited Free Trials Using a "Real" Fake Credit Card Number

When I see the words "free trial," I know I'm probably going to have to whip out my credit card and enter in the number to "not get charged." Then I end up forgetting about the trial and want to kick myself in the ass when I see my statement at the end of the month.In order to avoid that rigmarole, you can actually use fake credit numbers instead of your own, and you can do that using the site, which can generate up to 9,999 credit card numbers at a time, or just one.Now, to be completely clear, these numbers cannot be used to purchase any item. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. For that to work, you would need a valid expiration date and CVV or CSV number. This site merely provides the standard 16 digit credit card number that can be used to bypass certain online forms that only ask for the number.How Does It Work?The credit card number generator uses a system based off of the Luhn Algorithm, which has been used to validate numbers for decades. You can learn more about...more

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