How to Catch USB Rubber Duckies on Your Computer with USBRip

How to Catch USB Rubber Duckies on Your Computer with USBRip

If left unattended, a hacker with a USB Rubber Ducky and physical access to the computer can infiltrate even the most secure computer. Such attacks often go undetected without the use of a tool like USBRip, which can provide you with assurance that your device hasn't been compromised.

While it can be hard to know if your device has been accessed in the past, enabling logging can make it easier to determine when a suspicious device has been inserted into a port. USBRip can't look through old system logs to catch past events, but it can keep an eye on everything that happens after installing it, to guard against being hacked in the future.

What Are HID Attacks?

A human-interface device, or HID, is any device that is used by a person to control a computer; keyboards and computer mice are prominent examples. HIDs have elevated privileges compared to a program or a script because the operating system assumes that commands from an HID are coming from a person with permission to use the computer.

Hackers have created tools, such as the USB Rubber Ducky, which exploits the inherent trust between a computer and an HID. While a USB Rubber Ducky mimics the look of a standard flash drive, when plugged into a computer, it acts as a keyboard that can input prerecorded keystrokes and commands at lightning speeds.

The types of attacks that hackers have conducted using a USB Rubber Ducky, Digispark, and similar tools are wide-reaching; they range from planting a backdoor on macOS and catch rubber duckies computer usbrip