It’s 2024, and there’s no getting around it. Grid energy is expensive. [Darrell] realized that a lot of his money was going on water heating, and he came up with a neat solution. What if he could hack in some solar power to slash his bills at a minimum of fuss? It worked so well for him, he’s whipped up a calculator to help others do the same.
[Darrell]’s idea was simple enough. He hooked up solar panels to just the bottom heating element of his hot water heater. This cut his power bill in half. His calculator is now up at, and it’s designed to help you figure out if it’s feasible for you. It takes into account your location, local power prices, and the amount of sun your area tends to get on a regular basis. It also takes into account the solar panels you intend to use and your water heater to determine how many panels you’ll need for properly hot water. Key all that in, and you’re well on your way to speccing a decent solar hot water setup. From there you’ll just need to buy the right stuff and wire it all up properly.
If you live in an area where the sun shines freely and the power is more expensive than printer ink, this could be a project well worth pursuing. Cheaper hot water is a grand thing, after all. [Darrell’s] calculator is really only the first step, and it doesn’t deal with the practicalities of installation, but that’s half the fun of a good p ..
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