Disgruntled bug-hunter drops Steam zero-day to get back at Valve for refusing him a bounty

Disgruntled bug-hunter drops Steam zero-day to get back at Valve for refusing him a bounty

EoP bug now free for the world to see after bounty was rejected

A security bod angry at Valve's handling of bug reports has released a zero-day vulnerability affecting the games giant's flagship Steam app.

Russia-based bug hunter Vasily Kravets said that he was releasing details of the flaw, an elevation of privilege error, after a series of poor interactions with Valve and HackerOne led to him getting banned from the Valve bug bounty program.

The way Kravets tells is (Valve did not respond to a request for comment), the whole saga started earlier this month when he went to report a separate elevation of privilege flaw in Steam Client, the software gamers use to purchase and run games from the games service.

Valve disgruntled hunter drops steam valve refusing bounty