Decision diversity: more equals better for the sake of a more secure organisation

Decision diversity: more equals better for the sake of a more secure organisation

The events of 2020 from a cybersecurity perspective have brought to light the significance of diversity for businesses of all sizes. Facing a more diverse range of challenges than most will have experienced before required an equally diverse range of coping mechanisms and responses to navigate accelerated digital transitions. The move to remote working placed strain on communications, data sharing, client management and – underpinning it all – security. Yet, while many are all too aware of the diversity of reactions needed, how much emphasis was equally placed on instilling diversity into the actual decision-making process?

In theory, the more varied the problems, the more varied the input should be, to ensure covering of all bases. A recent study of more than 200 teams over a two-year period found that a more inclusive environment reaps better decisions up to 87% of the time. More broadly, a 2018 McKinsey study of 1,000 companies across 12 countries found that businesses in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams were 21 percent more likely to experience improved profitability. Meanwhile, ethnic and cultural diversity resulted in a 33 percent increase in performance.

However, as recently as 2019, only 24% of the entire cybersecurity workforce were women. A clear and rectifiable phase of inclusion clearly isn’t being adopted, and it begs the question as to whether companies have secured themselves against the trials of this year as well as they think they ha ..

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