Cybersecurity Risk: What It Is and How Can It Be Reduced?

Cybersecurity Risk: What It Is and How Can It Be Reduced?

In this modern-day and age, people and businesses leverage digital solutions to perform their daily tasks or run their operations. While this paves the way for convenience and efficient processes, digital solutions can also open vulnerabilities for individuals and businesses utilizing them.

Hackers and those with malicious intentions likewise use the same technological innovations to take advantage of others, posing a risk to the individuals and their online operations. This article tackles what this risk is about and how you will be able to protect yourself from being a victim of these attacks.

Cybersecurity Risk

By definition, cybersecurity risk is your potential exposure to harm when your online information or communication system is left open and vulnerable. Two of the most common examples of cybersecurity risk include cyber attacks, as well as a data breach.

However, you need to keep in mind that cybersecurity risk extends beyond data damage. Rather, it can even include intellectual property theft or harm your reputation, as well as that of your business.

Types of Cybersecurity Risk

Internal Risk

Cybersecurity risk can be internal, which means that it stems from the actions of the people inside (insiders) the organization using the data or communication systems. For instance, a disgruntled employee may intentionally come up with means to sabotage internal data.

One such example is the 2017’s incident in which an ex-employee hacked the Marriott hotel reservation system and slashed rates up to 95%. Another such example is cybersecurity reduced