Deputy National Security Director for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger told reporters yesterday that that administration has been working on “executive action” for seven months with the goal of “putting the next administration on the best possible foundation” in terms of cybersecurity.
“Until the president signs off,” however, it's not finalized, she noted. That sign-off is expected this week, per POLITICO reporting.
The inclusion of digital identity items may be welcome news to cybersecurity and identity experts who’ve been wanting more action on digital identity and mDLs as well as a governmentwide, coordinated approach on digital identity from the White House.
But how the coming executive order will fare under the Trump administration and whether it will even stay on the books is unclear.
The forthcoming order comes years after President Joe Biden promised to use an executive order to help stem the flow of government money stolen by fraudsters leveraging identity theft to siphon off benefits.
The use of identity theft to target government benefits especially strained relief programs during the pandemic. In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission saw a 3,000% increase in identity theft complaints tied to government benefits, according to the government’s pande ..
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