Anomali Cyber Watch: Turla Re-Registered Andromeda Domains, SpyNote Is More Popular after the Source Code Publication, Typosquatted Site Used to Leak Company’s Data

The various threat intelligence stories in this iteration of the Anomali Cyber Watch discuss the following topics: APT, Artificial intelligence, Expired C2 domains, Data leak, Mobile, Phishing, Ransomware, and Typosquatting. The IOCs related to these stories are attached to Anomali Cyber Watch and can be used to check your logs for potential malicious activity.

Figure 1 - IOC Summary Charts. These charts summarize the IOCs attached to this magazine and provide a glimpse of the threats discussed.

Trending Cyber News and Threat Intelligence

OPWNAI : Cybercriminals Starting to Use ChatGPT

(published: January 6, 2023)

Check Point researchers have detected multiple underground forum threads outlining experimenting with and abusing ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), the revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot tool capable of generating creative responses in a conversational manner. Several actors have built schemes to produce AI outputs (graphic art, books) and sell them as their own. Other actors experiment with instructions to write an AI-generated malicious code while avoiding ChatGPT guardrails that should prevent such abuse. Two actors shared samples allegedly created using ChatGPT: a basic Python-based stealer, a Java downloader that stealthily runs payloads using PowerShell, and a cryptographic tool.Analyst Comment: ChatGPT and similar tools can be of great help to humans creating art, writing texts, and programming. At the same time, it can be a dangerous tool enabling even low-skill threat actors to create convincing social-engineering lures and even new malware.MITRE ATT&CK: [MITRE ATT&CK] T1566 - Phishing | [MITRE ATT&CK] T1059.001: PowerShell | anomali cyber watch turla registered andromeda domains spynote popular after source publication typosquatted company