“We take security of personal information in our care very seriously,” stressed a representative of the Shubert Organization, which owns 17 Broadway theaters and the popular ticketing service Telecharge. “We have security measures in place to protect the data on our systems, and we continue to assess and update our security measures and training to our employees to safeguard the privacy and security of information in our care,” the representative continued. As more and more information is stored on the Internet, cyber-security breaches are quite common for large businesses. In 2016, about 34 percent of American companies suffered a breach, and 86 percent of chief information security officers now believe that breaches are inevitable. “Data breaches are now a consistent ‘cost of doing business’ in the cybercrime era,” commented Larry Ponemon, the founder of a data security research firm. “It’s important to ensure that security measures are up to date across the entire network of companies,” stressed Guy Bunker, the senior vice president of products at Clearswift, an information security company.
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