Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It.

Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It.
Outnumbered 100 to 1 by developers, AppSec needs a new model of agility to catch up and protect everything that needs to be secured.

In today's high-tech industries, security is struggling to keep up with rapidly changing production systems and the chaos that agile development introduces into workflows. Application security (AppSec) teams are fighting an uphill battle to gain visibility and control over their environments. Rather than invest their time in critical activities, teams are overwhelmed by gaps in visibility and tools to govern the process. As a result, many digital services remain improperly protected. To catch up, AppSec must adopt a model of agility that is compatible with software development.

The Case for AgilityThe agile process continuously integrates small changes and collects meaningful feedback along the way, allowing an ever-progressing evolution of software. With small steps, you pay less for mistakes and learn a lot along the way. This approach, powered by continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD), source code management (SCM), and an amazing array of collaboration tools, makes the software industry fast and powerful.

AppSec teams are charged with making sure software is safe. Yet, as the industry's productivity multiplied, AppSec experienced shortages in resources to cover basics like penetration testing and threat modeling. The AppSec community developed useful methodologies and tools — but outnumbered 100 to 1 by developers, AppSec simply cannot cover it all.

Software security (like all software engineering) is a highly complex process built upon layers of time-consuming, detail-oriented tasks. To move forward, AppSec must develop its own approach to organize, prioritize, measure, and sc ..

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