A Primer On The Internet Of Things | Avast

A Primer On The Internet Of Things | Avast
Byron Acohido, 12 September 2019

Granular behavior profiling paves the way for new digital lifestyles – and creates big privacy and security questions

The city of Portland, Ore. has set out to fully leverage the Internet of Things and emerge as a model “smart” city.
Portland recently shelled out $1 million to launch its Traffic Sensor Safety Project, which tracks cyclists as they traverse the Rose City’s innumerable bike paths. That’s just step one of a grand plan to closely study – and proactively manage – traffic behaviors of cyclists, vehicles, pedestrians and joggers. This is all in pursuit of the high-minded goal of eliminating all accidents that result in death or serious injury.
Portland is shooting high, and it is by no means alone. Companies in utilities, transportation and manufacturing sectors are moving forward with the Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT. Plans are being implemented to tie ever more sensors together across the Internet, use them to gather vast amounts of operational data and then massage this data with advanced behavior analytics.
Much the same progression is overtaking consumer goods businesses. Our homes and work spaces are on a fast track to get ever smarter. Everyone in business, it seems, is consumed by the notion of leveraging IoT to add value to their operations.
The big hitch, of course, is that major privacy and security gaps have yet to be accounted for. Billions of computing nodes and sensors tied into the Internet are feeding rich data to analytics systems – with billions more IoT devices to come. The trend increases the odds of two unwanted out ..

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