Incident response analyst report 2023

Incident response analyst report 2023

Incident response analyst report 2023

As an information security company, our services include incident response and investigation, and malware analysis. Our customer base spans Russia, Europe, Asia, South and North America, Africa and the Middle East. Our annual Incident Response Report presents anonymized statistics on the cyberattacks we investigated in 2023. All data is derived from working with organizations that requested our expertise in carrying out incident response (IR) or assisting their in-house expert team.

Distribution of incidents by region and industry

The geography of the service has changed somewhat of late, with the share of requests in Russia and the CIS (47.27%) continuing to rise. At the same time, 2023 is notable for the significant increase in the number of IR requests in the second-place Americas region (21.82%).

Geographic distribution of IR requests, 2023

Looking at the distribution of incidents by industry, we see that in 2023 the majority of requests came from government agencies (27.89%) and industrial enterprises (17.01%).

Distribution of organizations that requested IR assistance, by industry, 2023

2023 trends: ransomware and supply chain attacks

In 2023, ransomware remained the most prevalent threat, despite a drop in share to 33.3%, down from 39.8% in 2022. Ransomware targeted organizations indiscriminately, regardless of industry. The most common families we came across in our investigations were LockBit (27.78%), BlackCat (12.96%), ..

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